LEMAN Revamps Performance Management to Foster Team Success

At LEMAN, we believe in challenging traditional methods when they no longer serve the best interests of our people or the business. One area that has undergone significant transformation is our approach to performance management.

For many years, like so many other companies, LEMAN relied on conventional performance management systems, including annual reviews, ratings, and structured career ladders. However, we recognized that these methods were no longer effective. They often reinforced bias, overlooked the important but less measurable contributions of our colleagues, and promoted an individualistic mindset that didn’t align with our commitment to teamwork and inclusion.

Why the Change?
The traditional approach to performance management tends to prioritize individual achievements and “managing up” rather than fostering a collaborative, inclusive environment. At LEMAN, we found that this system failed to capture the invisible, yet vital, efforts that make our teams thrive—things like mentoring new colleagues, supporting one another, and driving collaborative success. These are the contributions that are essential to building a strong and diverse workplace culture.

A New Approach
In response, we decided to take a bold step: we eliminated our old performance management system entirely. Instead of rigid frameworks and ratings, we now trust our managers and teams to define success together and create their own tailored approaches to performance.

This new way of thinking allows for flexibility, and while it’s not perfect, it’s a step in the right direction. This year, we’ve launched a pilot project called “New Ways of Working,” where we’re partnering with different teams to test new methods of evaluating success, focusing on collective team achievements rather than individual metrics.

Looking Forward
At LEMAN, it’s no longer about checking boxes or following outdated models. It’s about creating an environment where our people can grow, collaborate, and thrive together. We are committed to building a diverse, inclusive, and people-first organization where success is measured by the strength and synergy of our teams.

We encourage other businesses to consider whether traditional performance management practices truly align with their values and goals. At LEMAN, we believe that by experimenting with new approaches, we can build a stronger, more inclusive workplace that better supports both individual growth and team success.