A internal supermarket
Freight forwarding is a people business, and we and our thousands of customers make a living from our colleagues constantly developing both personally and professionally.
Our mantra is that the way to even better service for our customers is via even more skilled and educated colleagues.
That is why we always have personal development at the top of our agenda, and from the new year we are launching a new and exciting project for our colleagues all over the world when we launch the LEMAN Supermarket.
This isn’t your typical supermarket
Before you picture aisles of groceries, let us clarify: This isn’t your typical supermarket. It’s a unique concept crafted to support individuals, teams, and managers, placing their growth, development, and success at the forefront.
More than a store, the LEMAN Supermarket is a comprehensive resource center for everyone at LEMAN. It’s our destination for tools, inspiration, training, and skills tailored to our unique needs.
The LEMAN Supermarket will have thoughtfully selected products organized across various aisles, each addressing specific personal and business needs. This ensures our colleagues to find precisely what they and their team need to excel. Whether enhancing team engagement or driving better business results, the LEMAN Supermarket is their guide.

Virtual tour
From January, all LEMAN colleagues will be invited on a virtual tour of the supermarket by a trained shopkeeper, and then it is up to the colleague to select the products that can make him or her even more skilled.
For us, it’s all about development and training on people’s own terms. For LEMAN, it is simply a matter of setting the framework and letting people themselves help fill it in, because that way we will have both happier and more skilled colleagues in the future.
So, to all our colleagues: Look forward to new personal development opportunities.
And to all our customers: Look forward to even better service and even more skilled LEMAN contacts.