Embracing change to create a culture for the future of logistics

Camilla Miehs portrait

Known for efficiency, analytics and a preoccupation with end results, the logistics industry continues to consist primarily of companies that maintain traditional ways of working. It is therefore rare for a global logistics provider to break the mold and embrace radical change.

With a forward-thinking approach that is reimagining both the human and leadership view in logistics, LEMAN is one of the few breaking away from the outdated nature of the industry.

Driving Innovation with a People-First Culture

As Group Chief People Officer at LEMAN, Camilla Miehs is one of the main drivers behind LEMAN’s effort to establish an innovative, people-first culture that is fit for the future of logistics.

“Welcome to the next chapter in LEMAN’s story. As we progress from a traditional logistics firm into a beacon for the People-First movement” says Camilla.

“At LEMAN, we believe that people are inherently good and capable, always striving to act in the best interests of each other, customers, and partners.”

Transforming Leadership and Implementing Change

Establishing a people-first culture meant implementing this approach throughout the organisation. However, there was an understanding that a particular focus had to be placed on top-level leadership in order for it to be successful.

“The old saying ‘Change starts from the top’ meant that new energy had to be infused into our executive team to spearhead transformative changes. This led to, for example, a shift from annual satisfaction surveys to monthly pulse surveys to gain more timely insights and enhance transparency,” Camilla explains.

“This helps ensure that the voice of our people is heard just as clearly as financial and operational metrics”.

Innovative Initiatives and Future Focus

In addition to the monthly pulse surveys, LEMAN has introduced several initiatives to create and maintain a people-first culture. This has included transforming traditional HR and dropping outdated practices in favor of flexible work models and a pioneering sabbatical program, as well as the introduction of a flexible learning platform called the LEMAN Supermarket.

Perhaps most notably, LEMAN is now starting “new ways of working” piloting where the focus is on increased wellbeing and cutting unproductive work process away. While the initiatives have had a tangible impact on the company in the present, the bold approach to culture is also about what lies ahead. Camilla explains:

“To attract future talent, we must compete beyond our industry by offering a vibrant, flexible, and sustainable working environment for human beings. Catering to diverse needs ensures we remain appealing and relevant to a generation seeking meaningful and accommodating workplaces.”

Setting LEMAN Apart from Competitors

Beyond benefiting members of the organization and attracting future talent, the approach also sets LEMAN apart from competitors in the eyes of customers. The bold initiatives show a genuine commitment to the people-first ethos and that the aim is to make a real impact for customers.

“Initiatives like the sabbatical and the new-ways-of-working pilot exemplify our forward-thinking approach, setting us apart in a traditionally conservative industry,” states Camilla and concludes: “We’re committed to a continuous evolution in rethinking leadership and recognizing that the journey to a fully integrated people-first culture is both significant and ongoing. Most of the change is still ahead of us.”