The supply chain of many of our customers is right now affected by the Red Sea crisis, and therefore we are working intensively to help them with alternative solutions. If they have so far had their goods shipped from China north of Africa to Europe or the USA, it is now necessary to find alternative solutions. And of course, we are ready with those solutions.

The two best alternative solutions are by ship to either Dubai or Los Angeles and from there by plane to the final destination. The price for these solutions will naturally be higher than usual, but because we still sail most of the way, they will still be significantly lower than regular air freight. And in this way, emissions are also kept as low as possible.
We will automatically reach out to all our existing customers and together find the most optimal alternative solution for them in terms of both price, safety, transit time and emissions, and if you are not a customer yet, please contact us to discuss your particular needs. We are ready to take your call.
We are of course continuing to work on even more alternative solutions, and we will present them as soon as possible both publicly and directly to our customers.
We thank customers and business partners for both their understanding and their constructive cooperation during this special situation.