Understanding Trading conditions
LEMAN is a proud member of key industry bodies, including the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association (FIATA), International Air Transport Association (IATA), Danish Freight Forwarders Association (Dansk Speditørforening), Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders, and British International Freight Association (BIFA).
Our active participation in these organisations underscores the importance we place on staying abreast of legislation, competitive landscapes, and market conditions.
Being engaged with these essential forums allows us to navigate the complexities of the logistics and transportation industry effectively, ensuring we can adapt to changes and continue to provide top-tier service to our clients.
For LEMAN, it’s not just about being informed; it’s about being proactive in a dynamic global marketplace.

Trading conditions in Denmark
All services rendered are subject to the General Conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders (NSAB 2015).
As contracting party cf. § 3 B the conditions limits the freight forwarder’s liability for loss of, deterioration of, or damage to goods to SDR 8.33 per kilo and for delay to the amount of the freight, and for all other loss to SDR 100,000 in respect of each assignment (§ 21).
As intermediary cf. § 3 C the freight forwarder’s liability is limited to SDR 50,000 in respect of each assignment and totally in the event of any one occurrence to SDR 500,000 (§ 24).
For storage, the total liability is limited to SDR 500,000 for damage occurring in the same occasion (§ 25).
Special attention is directed to the network clause (§ 2); claims against the freight forwarder are statute-barred after one year (§ 28); and the lien on goods (§ 14) applies to both current and previous claims.
In case of damage or shortage, please advise the insurance company and the freight carrier immediately.
Ventrupvej 6,
DK-2670 Greve,
CVR. nr. 41 95 56 19
E-mail: kontakt.dk@leman.com
Trading conditions in Finland
Member of the Danish Freight Forwarders Association and the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders.
All services rendered are subject to the General Conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders (NSAB 2015). As contracting party cf. § 3 B the conditions limits the freight forwarder’s liability for loss of, deterioration of, or damage to goods to SDR 8.33 per kilo and for delay to the amount of the freight, and for all other loss to SDR 100,000 in respect of each assignment (§ 21). As intermediary cf. § 3 C the freight forwarder’s liability is limited to SDR 50,000 in respect of each assignment and totally in the event of any one occurrence to SDR 500,000 (§ 24). For storage, the total liability is limited to SDR 500,000 for damage occurring in the same occasion (§ 25). Special attention is directed to the network clause (§ 2); claims against the freight forwarder are statute-barred after one year (§ 28); and the lien on goods (§ 14) applies to both current and previous claims.
Mikäli tavara on vahingoittunut tai lähetys puutteellinen, pyydetään asiasta ilmoittamaan välittömästi kirjallisesti vakuutusyhtiölle ja kuljetusyhtiölle
LEMAN Oy, perustamisvuosi 2006
Pääkonttori: Hakamäentie 11 A,
01510 Vantaa
Y- tunnus: 19997648
E-mail: yhteystiedot.fi@leman.com
Trading conditions in Greater China
Spring International Plaza
Room 802
699 Zhaohua Road
E-mail: contact.cn@leman.com
Trading conditions in Mexico
All business undertaken is subject to LEMAN’s Standard Terms and Conditions, available by email upon request, and all applicable U.S. law.
In the event of a cargo claim, please contact your LEMAN office for further direction and processing.
LEMAN International Transport and Logistics SA de CV
Blvd Bernardo Quintana 7000-B, Interior 2 Piso 14, Oficina 1406
Col. Centro Sur,
Queretaro 76090
E-mail: mexico@leman.com
Trading conditions in Norway
Member of NHO Logistikk og Transport, the Danish Freight Forwarders Association and the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders.
All services rendered are subject to the General Conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders (NSAB 2015). As contracting party cf. § 3 B the conditions limits the freight forwarder’s liability for loss of, deterioration of, or damage to goods to SDR 8.33 per kilo and for delay to the amount of the freight, and for all other loss to SDR 100,000 in respect of each assignment (§ 21). As intermediary cf. § 3 C the freight forwarder’s liability is limited to SDR 50,000 in respect of each assignment and totally in the event of any one occurrence to SDR 500,000 (§ 24). For storage, the total liability is limited to SDR 500,000 for damage occurring in the same occasion (§ 25). Special attention is directed to the network clause (§ 2); claims against the freight forwarder are statute-barred after one year (§ 28); and the lien on goods (§ 14) applies to both current and previous claims.
In case of damage or shortage, please advise the insurance company and the freight carrier immediately.
Nedre Strandgate 80, NO-3012 Drammen
Org.nr. NO 984065329
E-mail: kontakt.no@leman.com
Trading conditions in Switzerland
We are working exclusively according to the general terms and conditions of “Spedlogswiss” freight forwarding and “Spedlogswiss” warehousing, latest edition.
In case of damage or shortage, please advise the insurance company and the freight carrier immediately.
Internationale Transporte
Florenz-Strasse 18
CH-4142 Münchenstein
VAT-No.: CHE-105.873.496 MWST
E-mail: info.ch@leman.com
Trading conditions in Sweden
All services rendered are subject to the General Conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders (NSAB 2015).
As contracting party cf. § 3 B the conditions limits the freight forwarder’s liability for loss of, deterioration of, or damage to goods to SDR 8.33 per kilo and for delay to the amount of the freight, and for all other loss to SDR 100,000 in respect of each assignment (§ 21).
As intermediary cf. § 3 C the freight forwarder’s liability is limited to SDR 50,000 in respect of each assignment and totally in the event of any one occurrence to SDR 500,000 (§ 24).
For storage, the total liability is limited to SDR 500,000 for damage occurring in the same occasion (§ 25).
Special attention is directed to the network clause (§ 2); claims against the freight forwarder are statute-barred after one year (§ 28); and the lien on goods (§ 14) applies to both current and previous claims.
In case of damage or shortage, please advise the insurance company and the freight carrier immediately.
LEMAN International System Transport AB
Org.nr: 556283-0397
Moms nr: SE556283039701
Godkänd för F-skatt
E-mail: kontakt.se@leman.com
Trading conditions in United Kingdom
All business undertaken is subject to the standard trading conditions of the British International Freight Association (BIFA).
In case of damage or shortage, please advise the insurance company and the freight carrier immediately.
LEMAN Int. Transport Ltd.,
Don Pedro Avenue
United Kingdom
E-mail: contact.uk@leman.com
(Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)
We are proud to be a SMETA 4 Pillar audit accredited company

Trading conditions in USA
All business undertaken is subject to LEMAN’s Standard Terms and Conditions, available by email upon request, and all applicable U.S. law.
For paying using credit cards, we kindly ask you the follow the steps on this page.
In the event of a cargo claim, please contact your LEMAN office for further direction and processing.
1860 Renaissance Boulevard
Sturtevant, WI 53177
T : +1(262) 884-4700
Trading conditions in Vietnam
All services rendered are subject to the General Conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders (NSAB 2015).
As contracting party cf. § 3 B the conditions limits the freight forwarder’s liability for loss of, deterioration of, or damage to goods to SDR 8.33 per kilo and for delay to the amount of the freight, and for all other loss to SDR 100,000 in respect of each assignment (§ 21).
As intermediary cf. § 3 C the freight forwarder’s liability is limited to SDR 50,000 in respect of each assignment and totally in the event of any one occurrence to SDR 500,000 (§ 24).
For storage, the total liability is limited to SDR 500,000 for damage occurring in the same occasion (§ 25).
Special attention is directed to the network clause (§ 2); claims against the freight forwarder are statute-barred after one year (§ 28); and the lien on goods (§ 14) applies to both current and previous claims.
In case of damage or shortage, please advise the insurance company and the freight carrier immediately.
Ventrupvej 6,
DK-2670 Greve,
CVR. nr. 41 95 56 19
E-mail: kontakt.dk@leman.com
Trading conditions in Iceland
All services rendered are subject to the General Conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders (NSAB 2015).
As contracting party cf. § 3 B the conditions limits the freight forwarder’s liability for loss of, deterioration of, or damage to goods to SDR 8.33 per kilo and for delay to the amount of the freight, and for all other loss to SDR 100,000 in respect of each assignment (§ 21).
As intermediary cf. § 3 C the freight forwarder’s liability is limited to SDR 50,000 in respect of each assignment and totally in the event of any one occurrence to SDR 500,000 (§ 24).
For storage, the total liability is limited to SDR 500,000 for damage occurring in the same occasion (§ 25).
Special attention is directed to the network clause (§ 2); claims against the freight forwarder are statute-barred after one year (§ 28); and the lien on goods (§ 14) applies to both current and previous claims.
In case of damage or shortage, please advise the insurance company and the freight carrier immediately.
LEMAN A/SSmáratorg 3, 201 Kópavogur, Iceland
CVR. nr. 41 95 56 19
E-mail: service.is@leman.com